Linda has lived in Morro Bay and worked as a professional land surveyor on the Central Coast since the mid 1980’s and loves the profession. Surveying will always be her first love. However, Linda felt she needed a hobby so she taught herself stained glass from a book. After taking her first class years later she found out just how much she didn’t know.
Linda says she tends to jump into things with both feet so her first large project was a 2.5′ x 3.5′ dragon with two babies hatching from eggs beneath her. It’s still her favorite. A friend offered to buy it but she didn’t want to sell it so she made one for her to her size specifications. Since then Linda has filled all her windows (and most of her friends’) with colorful stained glass art.
Linda has donated pieces to scholarship and Wounded Warriors auctions and California Land Surveyors Association chapter barbecues as well as various other fund raisers.