Upper Gallery Featured Artist: Brett Harvey
Type of Art: Photography
Title: “From the Sea to the Sierras”
Artists Statement— In Brett’s own words: “As a child I owned a Kodak Instamatic camera, and enjoyed taking pictures with it. In high school I took photography classes, learning all the basics of film processing and dark room work. I even won a few awards for my photographs. Then in college I began doing wedding photography and a few other commercial jobs, eventually working in the photographic department of a large aerospace company in Southern California. Shortly after this my life took a turn and I set down my camera, for a long time, a really long time. For 30 years family snapshots were the extent of anything I did with a camera. Then in 2018 I bought my first digital camera and rekindled my love for photography, taking my camera with me into the outdoors that I love so much. The hiatus is over!”